rod-cast : painting the wild atlantic way blog photo showing the skelligs on the horizon, painted on a canvas and in a camera view finder simitainiously

Rod-Cast: painting Wild Atlantic Way

I had set myself the task of tapping into pre-Christian lore attached to this beautiful and sometimes barren landscape. As a direct conduit I had decided to focus on those ancient portals to the other world. Standing Stones, Holy Wells and ancient Passage Tombs were to feature strongly.

Skellig Phosphorescence working palette..

20 Essential Painting Materials

Avoca Painting School provide a materials and equipment package, which can be booked as an add-on. Our kit has been honed over the years to be light and versatile, basically, all the the painter needs and nothing that they don’t. Alternatively, for the students who would prefer to bring their own painting materials and equipment we have put together a list of the essentials.

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