Avoca Gallery & Painting School on Facebook

Hello friends and supporters of Avoca Painting School. Firstly, let me wish you all health and happiness for 2022.

Many people start their painting journey with a gift voucher from Avoca Painting School.
Many people start their painting journey with a gift voucher from Avoca Painting School.

And in in keeping with my own new year’s resolution to de-clutter life and streamline the business end of being an artist & facilitator, here’s a big announcement. Our Avoca Painting School Facebook page will be merged into the Avoca Studio Gallery Facebook page. Going forward, everything you need to know about the painting school or the gallery, you’ll be able to fine at Avoca Gallery & Painting School on Facebook.

The Avoca Painting School continues as before with a full programme of 2022 workshops listed here: https://avocagallery.ie/events/

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