The Art of Noodle Finance IFSC

CHQ Building in the heart of Dublin’s IFSC .

Photo of Rod on his way into CHQ in the heart of Dublin's Financial Centre.
Rod on his way into CHQ in the heart of Dublin’s IFSC .

“Just recently I hung some paintings in an eatery in Dublin’s IFSC (International Financial Services Centre). I get offered these informal exhibition opportunities regularly and must weigh up the pros and cons very carefully each time. Inevitably I go with my extinct.”

Photo shows: Inside the CHQ is bathed in light and buzzing with Dublin's Financial Centre workers relaxing on a well deserved lunch break.
Inside the CHQ is bathed in light and buzzing with Dublin’s Financial Centre workers relaxing on a well deserved lunch break.

“Once inside the door of CHQ I saw a space bathed in light and buzzing with Dublin’s IFSC workers. In particular I was seduced by the harmonious blend of Georgian Industrial and contemporary architecture. I had a nice feeling about the place.”

So to the art, the paintings below are all on display in Toss’d Noodles and Salads in the CHQ Building, 1 Custom House Quay, North Dock, IFSC, Dublin. They are all for sale directly from Rod Coyne, email: , mobile: 087-2259680.

Click on the Blue Text in each painting to view each in detail and purchase options.

“They say there is no such thing as free lunch but currently at Toss’d Noodles you can enjoy your lunch surrounded by this gratis exhibition in a single sitting. So forget about “Leprechaun Economics” and discover The Art of Noodle Finance.”

Photo of Diners from Dublin's Financial Centre surrounded by Rod Coyne's singular contemporary paintings.
Diners from Dublin’s IFSC surrounded by Rod Coyne’s singular contemporary paintings.

“Having eaten in Toss’d Noodles and Salads on several occasions I can’t recommend this restaurant highly enough. Add to that the fact that it is now adorned with some of my favorite canvases that recommendation has just gone higher still!” – Rod Coyne.

Photo of CHG Building on a busy Liffey quayside in the heart of Dublin's financial centre.
CHG Building on a busy Liffey quayside in the heart of Dublin’s IFSC.

See more of Rod Coyne’s paintings here.


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