Painting Demo Video with a Star Wars Slant

Painting Demo Video – How the West was Won!

Rod Coyne painted this picture, ” Skelligs Arch ” at Dr. Noelle Campbell-Sharp’s Origin Gallery . The live painting demo was a part of his “Waters Soft & Wild” exhibition in October 2015. This demo was captured with a time lapse camera. Sit back a see just how this little part of the West was Won by a determent artist wielding a palette knife.

Painting Demo Video – Star Wars couldn’t resist!

To date two Star Wars movies have embraced the Skelligs as a ready-to-go film set. It’s no wonder of course, these two sentinel islands lay on the Europe’s most westerly fringe and drip with otherworldly presence. Skellig Michael and Skellig Beag have featured heavily in Rod Coyne’s paintings since the year 2000 and his first residency at the singular Cill Rialaig Artists Retreat. Yet he first painted them on a 1st year field trip with the Crawford College of Art.

Painting Demo Video – Star Wars pays homage to Rod

“Like some many of my generation Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader’s rivalry were an integral backdrop to my childhood and early teenage years. Sure the story existed in another time and a galaxy far away but for an Irish kid the first three movies occupied a realm completely alien to 1970’s Ireland. They also represented a glamorous, sophisticated America which seemed as far off to me as the worlds and planets depicted on the silver screen.

Movie still: Luke vs Vader.
Movie still: Luke vs Vader.

Fast forward to the present and the long awaited release of The Force Awakens and I could barely contain my excitement and expectation of how my Skelligs were going to be integrated into the story line. Disney were actually paying homage to my central painting motif. I wasn’t disappointed with the islands depiction but I did leave the table hungry.

Movie Still: Rae and Luke perched atop of Skellig Michael.
Movie Still: Rae and Luke perched atop of Skellig Michael.

But last month I got my fill and just relished every layer of that truly alien landscape as revealed in The Last Jedi. I have to guess that after such prolonged exposure that is one set we will no longer be seeing in future Star Wars Productions. I’m fine with that, they’ve recognized something I discovered for myself decades ago. They’ve paid homage to the great island cathedral which was once the last bastion of Christianity throughout the dark ages.” – Rod Coyne.

” Skelligs Arch ” is available as canvas print on this site.

” Skelligs Arch ” the original canvas available on this site.



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