At Horse Island by Rod Coyne

About This Piece

  • Title & Year:                      “At Horse Island” 2019
  • Canvas Size:                     25x30cm (10″x 12” inch)
  • Medium & Ground:           Oil paint on canvas
  • Location Depicted:      Horse Isl. to Waterville, Co. Kerry, Ireland
  • Style/Genre:                     Rod Sees Red/Seascape

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“What is an art-buddy? For me it’s someone who understands me on so many different levels. Scott Redden (New York painter) gets my search for truth through nature. In fact, he expressed that notion long before I knew what I was practicing myself.

Having spent a riotous week painting, living and celebrating together on Ballinskelligs Bay, it was time for him to return, leaving me to work on seven days longer. It was hard not to feel a void within as I set up my easel to paint my way out of any post-party-depression. And there you go, an afternoon spent in mindfulness and splodges of rouge, was enough to turn a blue Monday into a red letter day.” – Rod Coyne.

“At Horse Island” would make the perfect addition to any office or home for art collectors, Ireland fans alike. It offers a window to an other-worldly adventure. It is signed on the front and carries a date and inscription by the artist on the reverse.

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At Horse Island by Rod Coyne

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