Greetings of the Season

Xmas ASG dot com

To family, friends and supporters of Avoca Gallery we wish you all the peace and joy of the season! Here’s wishing you and your loved ones a very Merry Christmas and Joyful New Year!

"Not only do they put climbing trees in the living room, but they then actually cover them in dangly bits - I love Christmas!" - Candy Coyne.
“Not only do they put climbing trees in the living room, but they then actually cover them in dangly bits – I love Christmas!” – Candy Coyne.

Please note Avoca Gallery closes for Christmas form 24th December till 5th January inclusive. Business as usual from the 6th of January 2016.

"Can I be the Angel?" - Midnight Coyne.
“Can I be the Angel?” – Midnight Coyne.

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