Facebook heaven!
So many of our friends and followers lament that they don’t receive our latest posts. And with due cause, because Facebook do not automatically notify them of all our most recent photos, videos or painting tips. Indeed, I was frustrated by this problem for years myself before I recently learned the solution. No longer must I curse the mighty overlords of Facebook.
For years I was happy to Like my favorite pages with a click and believe I would be on the inside track to catch all their future posts and special offers. Weeks later I would check back in on them and find I was only receiving one in ten of their notification!
My frustration with Facebook was quelled recently when attending a Social Media Seminar with the ever knowledgeable Dorcus of Zonua. Apparently, I like most mere mortals had not noticed the little drop down menu attached to the Like page button. And more to the point that by default NOTIFICATIONS is always set at “All Off”. And now with a single click I set NOTIFICATIONS to “All On” and my Facebook experience has transformed. No longer do I have to second guess my favorite pages and wonder if I might be missing the latest news. Now I’m constantly up to date, up to speed, and in charge of my social media destiny.

Re-set your notifications for Avoca Painting School

Re-set your notifications for Rod Coyne

Of course you can apply this method to all your favorite pages and social media groups. It’s time for all of us to take charge of our online experience. Make the internet work for you, we have nothing to lose but our chains. Enjoy!